Drug Education in Professional Training
Business and economics are two professional areas often overlooked when the subjects of drugs and…
The Role of the Supervisor/Manager in Substance Abuse Prevention
Management Competencies: A Factor in EAP Success
Issues in Successful Employee Assistance Programs
Training, Testing, Organization Culture
The peril of ignoring substance abuse in burned-out workplaces
The challenges for managers in today’s workplace are endless: remote work, quiet quitting, a changing…
We Asked ChatGPT to Spot Red Flags on Resumes
Has AI gotten better? I asked professionals to run their own resumes through ChatGPT and…
California Set to Require Workplace Violence Prevention Plans
The California Legislature passed a bill Sept. 12 that would require companies to create workplace…
The stigma of substance use is hurting employees — and the businesses they work for
Nearly half of the U.S. workforce—roughly 72 million people—have experienced personal or family problems stemming…
HR’s role in changing the conversation about alcohol use
When is the last time you thought about your relationship with alcohol or about your…
US workers testing positive for marijuana after job accidents at a 25-year high
The DTI data “provide compelling evidence that increased use of cannabis products can contribute to…
2023 Trends: Legalization of Recreational Marijuana and Therapeutic Psychedelics
Article Link Three more states legalized adult recreational marijuana use in 2022, and it may only…